First off, let me say that Sprint is the FUCKING WORST cell phone provider. FUCK YOU SPRINT. How the fuck is it possible that every single time my phone is fucking up, you replace it with an equally SHITTY phone!?!? WHY!? WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!? What the fuck do you guys do to these phones? Why do they come broken? And fuck everyone who works at Sprint..seriously. I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU A GOOD RATING. I'm not even going to answer the fucking phonecall when they call me..if i do it'll only be for the sole purpose of cussing out whoever the fuck is on the other line. Fuck you Sprint. Suck my fucking dick..and all my friends too..suck all of our dicks. YOU GUYS FUCKING SUCK.
Okay so, Blackberries fucking suck dicks in hell. I don't mean the fruit..the fruit is delightful..and I believe it is way more technologically advanced that stupid fucking Blackberry smartphones. Why the fuck are they called smart? I say we kill everyone who has anything to do with the manufacturing of these shitty shits. Let's begin by stating some of the problems which I am facing with the DEVIL PHONE.
1. The fucking media card will not detect and I HATE WALKING AROUND IN SILENCE. What the hell is the point of having a shitload of music on my computer..if my piece of garbage phone can't even find it? Not to mention the fucking media card is conveniently located UNDER the battery..WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!? Why would you put it there!?!?!? Every fucking time it fucks up (345,457,234,236,789 times a day), I am forced to remove my battery with pure FURY in hopes of getting it to "format". FUCK FORMATTING. I wanna fucking destroy this phone like i'm that wrestler guy Triple H..and then fucking spit on it just like he does.
2. The speaker must be stupid as shit because people say i'm whispering when i'm clearly yelling. I HATE YELLING. This is such a fucking problem because it pisses me off hearing my friends say they can't hear me..then I get pissed and throw my phone onto the floor, light myself on fire and torpedo out of 15th story windows. Then I won't have to worry about bad call quality..because i'll be fucking DEAD. DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE SPRINT!? Probably so..
3. It takes forever to load when I start it shows me a fucking little fucking icon that looks like it belongs on a fucking Windows 94 computer. SERIOUSLY!? Stop fucking spinning/loading and just turn the fuck on already..I don't know what the problem is. After 19 hours of loading..the screen says,"Sprint Rated for Sprint Speed." WTF. Are you proud of your Sprint Speed? What the fuck is Sprint Speed? Snail Speed. Fuck snails..and fuck Sprint.
4. Last but not least, Blackberry technical support is fucking retarded. I swear..I went to the website today..and they think if they repeat the same bullshit they write on the Help icon of the Blackberry..people will be happy and proceed with their shitty lives and not even realize they were duped. WELL FUCK THAT, because I NOTICED! It says exactly the same bullshit on the phone and on the fucking tech support website. You guys are fucking lazy small dick and/or big vagina bitches!!! Half the shit you walk people through DOESN'T EVEN EXIST!! "Go into the media card folder and simply click format now." Right, very simple to find a fucking button that doesn't exist. You can format my dick to your face bitches.
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