05 December, 2011

manly lesbian girls who try to steal my girl

Hello manly lesbian girl, do you think that just because you have a vagina I won't punch you in the face? You want to be a man don't you? You wanna compare dick size? Oh wait woops, you don't have one! How embarrassing! So how exactly are you supposed to fuck anyone better than I will? Lmao it's like that scene from Requiem for a Dream where that creepy white dude is like.."ASS TO ASS!" That's all you can do..ass to ass..with a fake penis.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with 2 girls having butt sex. Do whatever floats your boat..I don't give a shit. Just don't get comfortable enough to think that I won't punch you in the face for pushing something as stupid as this too far. You look like an uglier version of Rosie O'donnell..

Why do you think it's okay to hit on the girl i'm with? I have so much respect for any sort of gay person..but when you try to take from me, i'm gonna slap you in the face with your own poopie dildo bitch. What's the point of even using a dildo if you don't like dicks? Oh okay, I understand, you don't like human dicks..you only like the glittery pretty ones. Gotchaaaaa.

SO PRETTY! I wish I could slap you in the face with it.

This happens so frequently that I was forced to take time out of my very busy schedule to address it. Thank you stud lesbian girl for not knowing your boundaries. I LOVE LESBIANS. DON'T THINK ANYTHING STUPID. I am not a homophobic bigot or anything..I just needed to prove my point.

That being said, here is my only advice, I suggest you take that manly ass beer gut of yours to a dirty ass strip club and get some girls who are in your league. That trashy stud look just isn't working for you..you look homeless and extremely dirty.


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